About Me

I am a researcher into data communications, I currently work for the University of Texas at Austin. I also am very interested in the process of building houses. Really I like to know about the processes of making anything; but, houses are a special interest to me.

The picture on the home page shows a part of my house as it was in 2006 it looks much different now, but it's still not done.

I am interested in wood working as well as building houses.

But, back to computers. I started working with computers in 1973 when I was in college. I was studying physics. I met a nice little PDP-8 and I fell in love. Sadly, my ardor cost me my collage career; however, that is a story for a different time.

My interests are operating systems, compilers and communications. Currently I work in communications research at the UT Applied Research Labs. While I'm in my 60's and will probably be “done” working in a few years, I am still fascinated with technology.

About this site

Which brings me to this web site; the only reason for it is so that I can run a web server and understand how they work.